Wednesday 11 July 2007

lovely little people

They are all gorgeous! They were so confident and settled. I realise I can't expect them to be as well adjusted after 6 weeks off coming into a new environment with new staff, but it's at least a good start and hopefully this indicates that it won't take them long to adjust. I had 19 on Monday which was great. I'm not sure of final numbers yet as there are always some who don't come and a few who appear out of the blue, but it should be a fantastic class.

Now I have to make the classroom perfect for the little mites. My first act will be to remove some tables. If there are about 20 children in the class why would you need 30 seats? They are aged 4/5. How much time are they actually going to spend sat at tables? (Virtually none if I had my way, but the curriculum is mandatory!) Once I've done this I can begin work on my displays and spaces. I've made good progress on planning my book corner and the role-play area so far.

The suggestion that I wouldn't work as a nursery nurse after this week may have been premature as I managed to get roped into a holiday play scheme while in school today. I'm such a sucker! Of course I am also poor which is such a strong motivator. It gives me another two weeks with the darlings from this school which is great as I will miss them. I do enjoy special needs work and it might take my mind off the mountain of work that I need to do in my classroom. I think I'll be climbing the walls as I can't really DO anything in there until the last week of the holiday.

Oh and the parents were all fine- no one was too anxious, overbearing, or antagonistic and almost all of them were interested in what I had to say. Yay!

1 comment:

Sarah Ditum said...

It's so exciting to hear you planning for your class! They are 20 very fortunate young things, to have you looking after them; and you are one very fortunate teacher, to have a class of pleasant and co-operative parents! xx