Sunday 18 November 2007

Real teacher now!

So it's three months in and I'm starting to feel like a real teacher. I've led a staff meeting, done parents evening and preformed my first class assembly- mile stones in the year of any teacher at all stages in their profession! We focused on communication and told a story about a baby elephant who didn't listen. There were therefore 6 four year olds wearing elephant masks! I was helpfully informed that the advantage of having the youngest children is that regardless of the work put in and the story being told whatever they do people will still think it cute! Thankfully it was a roaring success (in my opinion).

I was warned by those already teaching that I'd be tired but I've struggled to stay awake past 8 o'clock since the start of term. For someone who's suffered for many years with insomnia this is an unusual experience, although as a treatment it's proving to be a great success.

I've been entangled in a little controversy early in my carer, having already stuck my neck out for outdoor provision. I have strong views on this subject, having seen it in action and observed the benefits especially for little boys. At the start of term it was suggested that outside play was a priority for the school so in my enthusiasm I set off to open the quad which leads off my classroom. At the time the other classes in the year group didn't feel ready to join me in the venture so having discussed my ideas with the senior staff I proceeded to go it alone. Within a few weeks the others were interested in joining me outside in the cold and wet.

And now things are a little fraught at school thanks to some fairly major class reorganisation due to take place after xmas as a result of rising numbers in year two. But overall I'm keeping my head above water and coping. Ask me in September if I'm enjoying it!